Assume success and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Assume success and it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

About Me

My photo
Married to David for over 2 decades. One daughter in High School, and one son a professional tapper. Recently retired Dance Studio owner, now a consultant, examiner, adjudicator, workshop facilitator, Touch for Health Instructor, Tai Chi Instructor, movement specialist, program developer for new methods in learning, dancing and reformatting movement patterns and a dance consultant for ACE Communities. A published author of two children's story books "Stacey on the Keyboard" and "Peter on the Drums", I am also a lyricist with a children's CD co-created with Dan Devion called "Stacey on the Keyboard". Creative teaching manuals include "Stacey's Imagination Kit", "Ships Ahoy", "Dancing Under the Big Top", and "Dancing in the Kitchen". More information can be found at

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Why sign up for a class? Magic can happen!

The Power of Being in an Exceptional Class!

One of the greatest words of advice that I received as a teacher was:  "It is not what you want to teach, but what the student wants and is ready to learn," (Mary Stacey).  Over the years I have had many opportunities to prepare a lesson plan, be prepared for the class before it arrives, and within 30 seconds of everyone's arrival I know the lesson plan is going out the window for the day.  There may have been a tragedy in someone's life, there may have been a hard day, there may have been an exciting adventure, and there may be a personal hill someone is not ready yet to climb.  Every day is different and so are our needs and so are our students needs. 

When I have taken the time to heed Miss Mary's advice, I have always grown.  I have grown as a person, as a friend and as a teacher.  It is when I have taken the time to read the emotions of my class, acknowledged their level of energy, and listened to the space between their words, that I have heard their needs in a different direction.  It is always a day of learning, and it has always been successful. 

Today was a great example of such occasions.  Today was Tai Chi class.  It was our last class for the session, and this class had been incredibly magical, insightful, inspirational and powerful.  I wanted to do something special that would take my students to a new place of discovery and of hope.  To a place where they could be more than they had imagined.  This is not always a goal I have for Tai Chi class, usually it is about learning the moves, expanding movement and rehearsing the patterns.  Today was different.

In preparation this morning my own body was not up to par.  I needed to find my own energy, get rid of my plugged nose and my sore throat and to find inspiration for teaching.  I reached for one of my favorite tools:  Sound Essences.  These powerful energy sprays can change so much in a person.  With a full Chakra, Meridian, Energy Balance I was quickly on my game.  That would be the most incredible treat to share with my students.

We began class with this balance.  Each student chose something they wanted to change in their life.   This class chose BIG examples and they were dreaming equally BIG.  I began the balance, and then reached into my bag for one more tool - My Inner Smile Meditation.  This meditation grew out of healing work I had done for my daughter's cancer.  It helped her to focus on different aspects of her body and to send healing light into each part.  It helped her calm and it empowered her.  This event was no different.  My students dove into their dreams with deep surrender.  They empowered themselves as they never had before.  When we finished the final part of the sound essences and brought their entire energy grid together, they were radiating. 

We continued into Tai Chi with an emphasis on bringing the inner changes and the subconscious changes into our bodies, and then connecting them between brain and body.  Using the Tai Chi ruler we connected Heaven and Earth with the Microcosmic Orbit.  There were smiles of pure delight on my students faces.  Then, we performed the movement of the Tai Chi set beginning with the bow and sending gratitude to those who had shared their knowledge before and those who will continue after us.  The movement was smooth, connected and calm.  We then discussed a few movement challenges and repeated the movement patterns.  The second time through was the icing on the cake.  This was when our brain and body had completely connected the work and the shift for everyone was complete.

The challenges my students were facing were huge.  They were big life events that had shook them to their cores and had plagued them for years.  Today they made a decision that life would be different.  With the help of many aspects of my training, we were able to really pull goal setting, emotional understanding and movement together to make a difference in everyone's lives. 

At the end of class we talked about the potential this day had given everyone.  My students were so grateful they had chosen to take the class, make a commitment to be at class, and although they had reasons to miss today, they made it happen anyway.  Wow.  The magic was worth the sacrifices.  As a teacher, it was so gratifying to send them on their way with a new vision, determination and a plan for success.

I am so glad for Mary's words so many years ago.  As has always been the case when I have chosen to remember these words, magic happens.  Facing the unknown, following instinct and honoring the learning path of the student has always been so gratifying.  And, from their learning, I learnt a few new things myself about my techniques, the advancement of the techniques and the power of being in a class.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Are you Dehydrated? Why?!

Canada’s Natural Resource:  Water

We live in a country that is flowing with clean, nourishing water.  We have some of the most beautiful lakes, rivers and ocean shorelines in the world.  Yet, in our society, we are suffering from the most incredible illness – dehydration.  Despite the opportunity to just turn a tap to receive our water, with all of our special filters and water preservation techniques, we do not drink the water.  Can you imagine living in a third world country with contaminated sloughs to pull your water from?  Can you imagine being so desperate for water you spend your whole day searching for a source?  Can you imagine that in our luxurious lives we don’t know when to reach for our incredible commodity?  WATER.
Recently Tim Horton’s released its new oversized coffee mug.  We all laughed and commented, and then many Canadians lined up to receive their anointed right, their daily shot of adrenaline to help them get through the day.  And, maybe they chose a smaller cup, either way, they spent money on gas to get to the store, time to sit in a line and wait for their familiar habit, and then many minutes of the day to embrace their cup in front of them while sipping away at the brew that will bring them to life.
I don’t drink coffee.  I never have and I am not interested in the message it sends us and our youth.  I am appalled at the teachers who stand at the front of the classroom hugging their mug in the morning while they lecture.  I am sad for the children who go to classes, practices or rehearsals who see their parents sitting in a chair watching and waiting for them, sipping on their adrenaline rush.  I am worried for the children whose parents allow them to embrace the same habit at a young age – some as young as newborns in hospitals, who do not have bodies yet ready to cope with the effects of caffeine.  And, I am horrified that the most incredible resource on our planet is completely ignored for consumption, polluted at every opportunity and sacrificed for advancing technologies in the oil industry.
Why do we not consume water?  Why do we not like the taste?  Why do we feel the need to deprive ourselves of it?  Why is it not important enough?
I hear from many clients that they have brain fog, a sore back, restless leg syndrome, sciatica, aching joints, headaches, stiffness, indigestion, acid reflux…the list can go on.  Do they look at what they are consuming?  No, many of them ask for relief through medication.  They want a pill that will take away the pain, and many wash it down with their coffee or black tea. 
Have you checked your hydration level?  A simple way to check is to pinch the skin on your hand.  If you are hydrated it will quickly be reabsorbed into the hand.  If you are dehydrated it may stand up for a few seconds before finding its way back into your hand.  Or, you may have skin that doesn’t return back to the hand – now that is severe dehydration!
What are you going to do about?  Are you going to pour yourself a cup of caffeine and contemplate this predicament, or are you going to make a change?
When I first began working on my own hydration I added a glass of water after every trip to the bathroom.  For the first little while there were frequent trips to the bathroom, but that changed in a short period of time.  Then, I stopped consuming juice, milk, pop  etc at meal time.  I replaced it with water.  Better yet, I drank the water about 30 minutes prior to eating so my digestive system was ready to digest the food that was to follow.  Adding liquids with the meal only hinders the digestive enzymes and their ability to work optimally to process your meal.  If I wanted a hot beverage, I switched to a green or white tea that would provide me with much need antioxidants and support for my bodies systems.  I also researched the best teas for different healing challenges and saved those blends for when they were most needed.  And, I consumed this tea when I was taking a few relaxing moments for myself.  I savored it, enjoyed it, relaxed, planned and then returned to my busy schedule. 
Here is how you can get started to completely nourish and support your incredible body.  Take a sip of water and swish it in the mouth before swallowing to stimulate the receptors in the mouth to recognize that the water is being added.  If chronic dehydration is a pattern for you, after drinking then rub on the belly midway between the belly button and the zyphoid process on the midline of the body to help the body send the water to the brain as well as the muscles and organs. 

It is important that you do not wait to drink water until just before you are doing something physical.  It is important the body is always hydrated and that the water will be available for the muscles at the time of exertion, rather than to the organs that are lacking water.        Water is best drunk at room temperature for maximum absorption in the quickest amount of time.  Throughout the day the body requires approximately 6-8 cups for regular movement, and for    more movement and exertion, it is recommended to add 2-4 cups more. If you consume a caffeinated product, for every cup of caffeine you need two glasses of water to reverse the dehydration that results from the caffeine.  Alcohol works in the same way.  For every glass of wine, add two glasses of water. 
Before engaging in any activity it is essential that the brain and body are hydrated.    Adequate water in the body allows for the cells to work efficiently, and helps to send messages across nerve endings.  For coordination of movement, the brain and the body need to send information quickly and water is essential for this communication. If the body is dehydrated, the organs will be the first to receive fresh water, then the muscles and lastly the   brain.  Performance is compromised if the body is in stress due to a lack of water. 

Take notes.  On a piece of paper, list all the ailments or challenges that you sense in your body at this time.  Begin a new regime that includes adequate hydration and nourishment for your cells.  In a month or so, make a new list of ailments.  See if the two lists match.  Take note of changes you have felt in your body, and how your energy, mental clarity and initiative has changed.  It is so simple, and it is just the turn of a tap away. 

WATER, it is over 70% of our bodies composition and it is our life line.  Give yourself the gift Mother Nature has provided for us and feel the healing benefits it can provide.
Some of the information used in this essay is from information gathered from readings in “Touch for Health” by John Thie,  “A Revolutionary Way of Thinking” and “Nutrition for the Brain” by Charles Krebs).

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Hot off the press last week was the new book by world reknowned author and healer, Louise Hays, and life coach extraordinaire, Cheryl Richardson.  The book is called "You Can Create An Exceptional Life".  I was so excited to receive my little package in the mail.  And, despite having 5 other books on the go on the night table, this one was on top and I was ready.  So ready in fact, I devoured the book in 2 days. 

Being so inspired to read their book, I began to wonder why I had all these other books and magazines hanging around the night table.  When I look at the pile I am able to express the words "I am sure behind on my reading".  I am not really behind, I am just not inspired to really finish the books.  So, why do I keep them there?  I am not in a class where I have to read the book.  I don't have to finish the whole thing.  I don't have to highlight or remember anything specific and I don't have to admit I didn't finish them.  So, why are they there?  I finally realized that I like to finish things.  I like to feel that I have given everything my best focus and attention. But, sometimes, we don't need to really be so thorough.  And, who is keeping tabs anyway?!

It's like the stickees on my desk.  I don't like lists, because I don't like to feel that I didn't complete something, so I put thoughts on my desk on stickees and as I deal with each one I am able to pull the stickee off and open the space.  Do I really need a stickee or could I just put the topic needing attention on my calendar and pick a time to address the topic and be done with it.  This would mean it is not incomplete, but waiting for attention.  What a concept!  And, imagine a desk that was open to thoughts of the day, rather than delays of details.

When I read a book and want to remember phrases from the pages, I turn up the bottom corners.  Sometimes I will write cue words on the corner too.  So, I go to one of the first upturned corners to read:  "We are powerful, creative beings who determine our future with every thought we think and every word we speak...In our purest, most positive state of mind, we are powerful creators of our very best lives,"  (page 29 and 30, Louise Hays).  This weekend I am devoting myself to find the creative energy within.  I am clearing the patterns and habits that hold me back from being free to enjoy the present.  I am cleaning up the piles of "incompletes", and "don't really need to look at", and I am enjoying the moments for being clear and mine and open.  Wow!  Feels like a fresh spring breeze...oh, I think I saw a snowflake...they too are perfect, unique and waiting to be marvelled in the moment.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Self Creation of Limitations

Sitting on my desk is a quote that I heard on a talk show a few weeks back:  "Many people are bound and held in the self creation of their own limitation."  I have been reflecting on this and comparing what I choose to do with what I am capable of doing. 

On Tuesday I taught my first webinar for ARPA and ACE Communities.  This was a challenge to present my dance material with no visual background and only dialogue and printed instructions.  I had never prepared a power point before, and I had never worked on so many computer details at one time.  Monday morning my barometer of a back was giving me the stress signals.  This is usually indicated by lower back pain and then everything seizes up.  Tuesday morning was a headache.  Why was I doing this to myself?  Perhaps I should just stick to what I do best - leading dance classes with people who can see me and follow!

Giving in to my fear would not suit my character.  In fact, not rising to a challenge has not even been in my vocabulary for many years.  Perhaps it was time to consider "pulling back the reins" and choosing an easier course.  But, what about the excitement of thinking in a different way?  How about making my material easy to understand and reproducable by non dancers?  If I did not rise to this challenge, others would not be able to benefit from all the studying I have been doing and all the experience I have gained over my career.  No, technology and fear would not be a consideration.

So, I prepared a piece that had audience participation, (I did not want anyone to sit through a movement presentation); I had questionnaires to be thought provoking, (I wanted to engage the people who need to respond and be involved in the process of learning); and I had a joke and photos to entice the visual learners, (I wanted people to be interested in the material on the screen).  It was a little weird to not see everyone's eyes, as I love to make eye contact with all of my students.  It was also difficult to know if everyone was following, as participants were not sure if they should vocalize a response or not.  But, I carried through answering written questions and responding to some of the dialogue.

When I finished I was so relieved!  But, I was also elated.  I had completed this incredible learning challenge, and I felt like I was able to get my ideas across and have them well received.  Being a presenter of a webinar would open new ideas and opportunities for me and the material that I present.  And, for those people living in a rural area where they could not access workshops or opportunities for my material, this was a new way to become connected to the world.  Thank goodness I rose to the challenge.

I was also excited for the different attendees.  I had people from across Canada as well as New York and their areas of interest were very different.  This showed me the incredible potential that the webinar had for all kinds of people, and not just the participants attending a conference on a specific topic.  Also, I could reach people across the world with this technology.  Who would believe?!

So, now after a few days to reflect and think about the presentation, I am excited to bring more ideas and opportunities to people.  I would love to add a camera to visually be able to share techniques and patterns of movement.  The jitters are gone and the excitement of creation is taking over - of course, that is my favorite part of presenting!

As I stare at the quote on my desk again:  "Many people are bound and held in the self creation of their own limitation," I wonder if I can move the other stickee over top:  "I am filled with unlimited potential and I know exactly what I need to do to express this potential in amazing ways," (Cheryl Richardson).  Yes, this quote definitely resonates at a higher frequency, and it opens my mind to potential - Amazing, Creative, Energetic potential.   What's moving you forward?!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Walk the Talk

What is the most repeated phrase you say to yourself each day.  Do you look in the mirror and berate yourself for your weight?  Do you assess the blemishes on your face?  Do you wish the color of your hair was different?  Do you curse the aches and pains in your joints as you get out of bed?  Do you remind yourself that the inability to sleep, eat, walk, move etc is just a sign of you aging?  Wow!  Had you thought about your personal dialogue before?  And, how long have you been speaking to yourself this way?  Days, Weeks, Months, Years?  How much time have you spent so far over your lifetime engaging in this dialogue?

What happens if you begin your day with "Good Morning Sunshine!"  "Hello Doll!"  "I love being you!"  What a way to begin your day!!!  And what if you continued this dialogue with congratulations for making a great breakfast, or taking time for a walk, or meditating for 10 minutes before starting your day, or loving yourself in the afternoon when your energy may drop a bit.  What if you stood in the mirror in the evening and thanked your body for giving you such incredible opportunities through the day, or gave yourself accolades for a job well done at work, class, with family, children, etc.  And, as you brush your teeth before bed, what would happen if you thanked yourself for being such an inspirational being, an abundance of energy, a source of support for family, or a wonderful friend?  Wouldn't it feel fantastic!  Those positive neutrons would be embraced by your body.  They would latch on and glow with the accolades.  Your energy would be fulfilled and the smile on your face would be genuine.

So, what are you waiting for?  How long will you play the same old record for?  When will you be worthy of recognition, self love, and personal abundance?  Start today.  Smile at yourself in the mirror and say "Hello Beautiful!  Thank you for this incredible life today!!!"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Are you taking care of YOU?

For the last few weeks I have been training in new methods of delivering information about how to repair the body easily and effectively.  I have been trained in Touch for Health techniques for almost a decade, and I have taught these techniques for over 5 years.  I have created a very well received workshop called “Tender Tootsies” that helps people to reconnect with their feet and strong, supportive posture.  I repaired my body using these techniques and went from an inability to walk to rebuilding all my muscles from the floor up.  I have been an avid Tai Chi enthusiast for almost 15 years, and the benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong have become a daily practice for me as well.  Now I am adding the expertise of a program called “Circuits Alive” that balances all of the muscles in the body for better functioning, better performance, and better competitive edge for the elite athlete.  I am also launching a new program called “Dancing to the Rhythms of the Cosmos” that combines music, dance and song to balance the muscles in the body.  This program is fun, engaging and something that people can share with each other in a compassionate and energetic group setting.  All of these techniques have something incredible – the ability to make a difference on your own body, to alleviate pain and suffering, and to find joy in moving.  What puzzles me is why so few people know these techniques and use them to promote their own health and power of wellness.
I am always curious about techniques that are quick, simple and most effective and “how can I do it myself?”  I am truly amazed when I introduce such techniques to people and how many people have no body awareness and just use their body as a vehicle to get to their mental goals.  When their physical body lets them down, these people are so quick to confirm:  “They are getting old”.  How did this disconnect happen?  Why are we so blocked for understanding our body, its mechanics, and its needs?  Why do we want someone else to fix us, and why do we concede so easily that we are not fixable?
Many people spend several minutes or hours a day grooming for the public and preparing their public image.  There is the long, hot shower; the hair gel; the blow dryer or curling iron or straightener; the deodorant products; the makeup; the clothes; the jewellery; the cup of coffee; and the minutes of time staring into the mirror; and the berating of the body for the extra pounds that are staring back.  How much time is spent meditating or reflecting on the type of day you would like to have, the goals you wish to achieve, the dreams you wish to move towards or the people who need a few minutes of your compassion for the challenges they may be facing in their lives?  How much time is spent cooking a really nutritious breakfast that nourishes your body for the day?  Equally, how much time is spent preparing and cooking the lunch or dinner as well?  How much time is spent thinking about breathing, and assuring your body that it is getting full deep breathes to nourish itself?  How much time is put into exercises and activity to move, challenge, feed and heal your physical body?  And, finally, how much time is spent nourishing the spirit throughout the day?  (– And coffee doesn’t count!)
Many of us spend so much time in our heads that we believe we are very active because our brains are active.  At the end of our busy work day, we are mentally tired, and this translates into physical fatigue as we neglect to nourish and feed ourselves throughout the day in a mental, physical and spiritual way.  So, are we getting old?  No.  We are neglecting and abusing our most precious gifts.
If you have the opportunity to make a change for yourself today, think of what it would be.  What could you do to bring balance to the Triangle of Health:  Spirit, Mental and Physical Wellbeing?  Start with a few minutes of deep breathing.  Allow yourself to relax and breathe from deep down in your belly.  Feel all of your muscles relax, your head clear, and your body move to a simple state of just being.  Breathing for up to 15 minutes at a slow and deep rate of 6 breathes per minute can completely change your day and your body’s ability to react to the day.  Next, find one change to your dietary routine that will allow you to feel the benefits of being nourished.  Perhaps you add drinking 6-8 glasses of water throughout your day rather than filling up on caffeine drinks or sugar drinks.  Perhaps you sit at the table and talk as a family while you eat your dinner.  Perhaps you prepare your food from scratch rather than pulling it from a box.  Lastly, find some way to exercise and enjoy your body each day.  We have lost the ability to walk to work, take the stairs, play outside, or engage in a physical activity rather than going for a coffee to chat.  Enjoy the outdoors as you walk around the neighborhood; put on some of your favorite music and dance in your living room; or challenge your children to a game of ball or soccer. 
Below I will list a few of the techniques that I have learned from Specialized Kinesiology that I use every day to assist me in my quest for finding balance in my life and honoring the physical vessel that helps me to accomplish my goals each day.
1)       De-Stress:  Emotional Stress Release is as simple as putting your finger tips on your forehead lightly and taking some slow, deep breathes.  This process brings the body out of survival mode and helps the brain to formulate ideas and tactics for dealing with challenges.
2)      Energize:  Cook’s Hook Ups bring the energy into alignment and a free flow.  Cross the right foot over the left, and then cross the right hand over the left and link the fingers.  Put the tongue on the roof of the mouth and breathe deeply for one minute.  Then, put the feet parallel and touch the fingertips together as you place the hands in front of the belly button.  With the tongue still on the roof of the mouth, continue to breathe deeply for one minute.
3)      Walk with Ease:  Rub between the bones on the top of the foot and the side of the foot.  If there is a spot that aches, give it a little more rubbing until the ache subsides.  This will assist the body in finding strength in the muscles of the feet and coordinate the muscles for ease with walking, running or exercises.
4)      Decrease Pain:  If there is a spot that is bothering you, place the hand or hands over the spot.  Very often the hands will heat up as the blocked energy is released through your touch.  Leave the hands over the spot until you feel them cool off.  Or, for arthritic pain or swelling over joints, place the fingers over the joint very lightly in the shape of an X (the pinky finger will be an extra).  Hold this square position over the joint for several minutes.  With time the swelling may lessen and the pain may subside.
There are so many ways to find balance in your life.  What is holding you back from being the best you can be?  Do you have the tools to help yourself?  If you don’t have the tools, perhaps you could add some of the suggestions added in this article.  When will your body be important enough for you to remember it each day?  When will you stop growing old?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Be Careful What You Ask For!

When the movie “The Secret” came out, I was hooked.  I got to work thinking about my dreams and I created my own vision board.  I am sure many of you reading this have thought about a vision board.  Maybe some people made one, maybe some of you put a list of ideas together.  But were you clear?  Did you really understand what you were asking for?  Did you really think it all through?  I thought I did…but there are many interpretations to pictures and words.
My vision board had a picture of several trip destinations and dates.  I have accomplished several of those.  They were easy. One is still on the board and I am looking forward to having this trip come to fruition. 
 I had a picture of a sports car, as I wanted something frivolous and fun.  I had the opportunity to purchase this car in the fall, and I test drove the car, and I sat in it, and I thought hard about it.  Guess what?!  It was frivolous and fun, but not practical for the world we had moved to.  Did I buy it?  No.  It was not a good fit for me.  Oh surprise!
I had published several books at that point in my life, and I thought it would be great to sell more books.  Now this can be interpreted several ways.  Sell several copies of the same book, or create more books and sell copies of them too.  Guess what I did.  Made more books and sold more copies of them.  Yes, I have lots of books, but I have not sold enough copies of any of them to turn a good profit.  I guess I should have been more specific about this one. 
I included a picture of the kind of house I wanted, but when I chose the picture, I was really in love with all the trees around the house.  Well, I have a new old house, and it does not look at all like my picture.  But, what I love about my house is the view from my bedroom window.  I am over the trees and I feel like I am in a tree house.  I love the feeling.  Does it feel like the view I had in my picture of the house?  Yes.  I guess I got what I asked for.
When I sold my business and moved across the country it was to fulfill our family’s dream of living in Cape Breton.  I was happy to let go of the hectic pace and to have more time to spend with my teenage daughter.  I wanted more quality time with her, and the opportunity to share that time while not being so tied to my work.  We have just finished four months of treatment to eradicate Hodgkins Lymphoma from her body.   I stopped all work and devoted myself to her care and recovery.  We have been inseparable through this time.  I sure got what I asked for with this…I think I should have been a lot clearer on this one. 
So, moving forward with my career, now I am working at a new brand name for several of my new program creations.  I am trying to find a good catch phrase to launch these programs into a financial filibuster that finally produces the financial freedom and professional development that I have been working towards for years.  My dad reminded me the other day that I often have such incredible energy for creating that I forget to forecast and build the financial picture too.  This all has to be part of my vision board for sure.  So, I am taking special care to really look at the brand, the forecast, the desired outcome, the program success and all.  What I do know as I work on this – BE Specific!  I will get what I ask for, so I need to make sure I know what I want, and I need to be clear at describing it.
What is on your vision board?  Have you been clear?  Have you taken the time to really think about what you want from your future?  Do you have a plan or are you just “winging” it?  Do you have goals with clear time tables?  Are you ready to really achieve your dreams, or are you still “dreaming” about them?  Just thought I would ask.  Be Clear about your answer!